
Dementia Care

Spotting the Early Signs of Dementia in Men

Spotting the Early Signs of Dementia in Men

19 March 2021
Spotting the early signs of dementia in men is often a case of pulling together different elements of a complex puzzle. All of the statistics point to more women than men being affected by dementia. Indeed for every one man with a diagnosis, there are two women. This means we as a society may not always realise the differences between spotting the early signs in men, compared to spotting them in women. However, there are many factors which may mean this picture is far more multi-faceted and intricate than the 2:1 statistic presents. As one scientific review of the evidence states, “We must move beyond the notion that “women are at greatest risk and that Alzheimer’s disease dementia is a “women’s disease” to focus on sex and gender differences. We need to understand the different presentations, risk factors and signs so that we are capable of spotting the early symptoms in our male loved ones. With accurate diagnosis you open the door to emotional, financial and practical support. What accounts for the difference in dementia between men and women? Unfortunately, there’s actually very little deep research into the gender divide of dementia so far, although there are increasing calls for […]
How to meet the nutritional needs of those living with dementia

How to meet the nutritional needs of those living with dementia

12 November 2020
It is very common with dementia for the individual’s relationship with food and drink to change. As dementia symptoms progress, these difficulties meeting nutritional needs can worsen. It can lead to problems such as dehydration and significant weight loss.
How do I arrange Dementia Care?

How do I arrange Dementia Care?

28 August 2020
Watching a loved one succumb to the effects of dementia is heart breaking. There comes a point when you will need more help. Knowing how to arrange dementia care can be difficult.
Dementia Communication Tips to Give You Confidence

Dementia Communication Tips to Give You Confidence

14 January 2020
In our North Devon and Somerset care homes, we are experts at communicating effectively with those with dementia. However, for you, as a loved one of a dementia sufferer, it isn’t only a bewildering and confusing time for them. The relationship you had with them previously needs to adapt and change. This takes communication, but your previous methods may flounder.
How to Manage Wandering with Dementia

How to Manage Wandering with Dementia

18 December 2019
Six in 10 dementia sufferers wander. When someone wanders they are put at greater risk. Confusion can worsen and they can become lost. Falls and accidents are more likely. It can cause distress in the individual but also for their loved ones and caregivers. Furthermore, while wandering tends to become more prevalent as dementia progresses, it isn’t limited to the later stages of the disease. In fact, it is most commonly experienced in the middle stages. However, sometimes wandering can be prevented, or at least predicted. Knowing what causes someone to wander and what can help is vital.
10 Things you should know about Dementia

10 Things you should know about Dementia

17 September 2019
We hear the word ‘dementia’ and automatically make assumptions. However, dementia brings with it a range of symptoms and difficulties, and our natural assumptions can lead us to misunderstand. At our care homes in North Devon and Somerset, we are experts in providing dementia care. These are 10 things that we think that everyone, including loved ones of those with dementia, should be aware of:
How to Help to Someone with Dementia When They Don’t Want Help

How to Help to Someone with Dementia When They Don’t Want Help

12 August 2019
Dementia can be a very distressing condition for the sufferer and for their loved ones. Often, especially in the earlier days of dementia, defensiveness and denial can lead to an individual refusing help. This refusal of help can put you in an even more difficult position. You may feel powerless or that they are making things harder for you (and themselves). You may even feel that their unwillingness to accept help is a personal attack on you, or even may lead to them being in danger.
Balancing the Needs of Elderly Parents and Dependent Children

Balancing the Needs of Elderly Parents and Dependent Children

17 May 2019
Balancing the Needs of Elderly Parents and Dependent Children Around 2.4 million of us in the UK are in the ‘sandwich generation’. We’re typically aged 40-70 and being sandwiched between the needs of our dependent children on one hand and the needs of our ageing parents on the other. It’s a difficult place to be. Balancing the needs of your parents and children can be immensely challenging. On top of this, you have your own needs to consider too if you are to be able to meet them as well.
15 Table-Top Activities for Individuals with Dementia

15 Table-Top Activities for Individuals with Dementia

14 March 2019
15 Table-Top Activities for Individuals with Dementia It’s important in dementia care that we continue to stimulate and challenge the mind, as well as promote socialisation. However, family and carers can often be at a loss regarding which activities are suitable. Your loved one is also likely to need activities which can be done from a chair, at a table. Using our experience running an outstanding dementia care setting in the south west, we’ve brought together our top 15 table-top activities which can be enjoyed by those with dementia.   Colouring Adult colouring has gained popularity in recent years. It can be a wonderful activity done peacefully at a table with someone with dementia. If the individual is particularly frail, or struggles with their eyesight, we recommend choosing children’s colouring pages rather than the more complicated adult designs.   Decorating Biscuits No doubt an activity they loved as children, or perhaps did with their own children, decorating biscuits has no ‘right or wrong’. However, it can be enjoyable and result in a sense of achievement. Similarly, you can make dough in advance and together roll it out and cut the shapes.   Manicure Allow your loved one to feel physically […]
The Importance of Touch and Kindness in Dementia Care

The Importance of Touch and Kindness in Dementia Care

18 December 2018
The Importance of Touch and Kindness in Dementia Care In advance of ‘Hugging Day’ on 21st January, we wanted to take a look at a phenomenon we experience every day at Eastleigh. We witness how the physical TLC of a carer holding a dementia resident’s hand, or a family member giving them a hug, calms, soothes and can instil a sense of wellbeing. Indeed, it even helps with communication. So why are touch and kindness so important in dementia care? The science of touch Research studies show that: “touch is truly fundamental to human communication, bonding, and health.” In fact, the touch of a hand, or a hug, can convey both compassion and security. For dementia patients who can struggle with verbal communication, a simple touch of the hand can work wonders. That’s what Hugging Day is about: celebrating the benefits of physical touch from relieving stress to releasing oxytocin, the happiness hormone. But really, we don’t just need one day to show it! The importance of touch with dementia This all becomes increasingly fascinating when we look at the power of human touch for those with dementia. Studies have shown that a simple five to ten minute hand massage […]
How to Plan a Day Trip for Someone with Dementia

How to Plan a Day Trip for Someone with Dementia

22 November 2018
How to Plan a Day Trip for Someone with Dementia We all know the benefits of getting out and about in terms of our wellbeing. However, undertaking a day trip with someone who has dementia can pose a number of hurdles and concerns. This article looks at how to plan a day out to boost their sense of peace and wellbeing. Choose the location carefully Day trips can vary from an excursion to a local café, to a stroll down memory lane. Choose your location with care, particularly when considering eateries. Some venues will be quieter and calmer, and these should be preferred. It is worth investigating local venues which offer wheelchair borrowing or rental services. These places not only make it easier for you practically, but will have planned their venue with wheelchairs access in mind. They tend to be more ‘disabled-friendly’ generally. Stimulate memories Memory difficulties are a common symptom of dementia. However, usually there is more success in accessing much longer-term memories, and as such great comfort can be brought from this. Think back to the things that your loved one used to talk about from their younger years. How could you incorporate this into a day […]
How to Communicate Effectively with Someone with Dementia

How to Communicate Effectively with Someone with Dementia

15 November 2018
The two primary symptoms of dementia are memory problems and communication difficulties. This can make holding a conversation with someone with dementia a struggle and a daunting concept. However, it is vital to endeavour to adapt your communication so that you can communicate effectively. This can not only help alleviate the dementia sufferer’s anxiety but to also help to achieve a greater sense of wellbeing.